You can now register for this 3 workshops from our Master Photographers. All Master’s workshops are limited to 12 participants. We look forward to see you in December during Miami Photo Fair 2019.

Mark Mann
Mastering the Portrait with Mark Mann: A Miami Photographic Center Signature Workshop – Miami – December 2nd-4th. 2019
Spend three days getting an inside look into celebrity portrait photographer Mark Mann’s process from start to finish.
Students will get a hands on, one-on-one, experience working in a high-end photography studio, step by step instruction on Mark’s signature lighting techniques, approaches to interacting with talent, and a candid look at Mark’s post production work flow designed to produce high quality printed images.

Vincent Versace
21st Century Composition Theory by Vincent Versace: A Miami Photographic Center Signature Workshop – Miami – December 3rd-5th. 2019
Every decision about an image must be and needs to be made at point of capture.
So the more you understand how it all works from capture to final print the more reflective of the moment that took you to click the shutter your images will be. From treating the lens as a brush, the camera as canvas, the monitor as the window to the image to the file as sheet music and the print as the symphony- every choice you make matters. Technique and the understanding of how it all works matters.

Michel Tessier
Signature Fashion Photo Workshop by Celebrity Photographer: Michel Tessier – Miami – December 5th-6th. 2019
This Two Days Signature Fashion Photography Workshop by Celebrity Photographer:
Michel Tessier is the best way to acquire the professional and artistic dimension of fashion photography, introducing you and sharing with you his experience with the famous fashion photographers he has worked with, showing you their work and their influence on fashion photography today.